Quick start with ICON

Information on how to configure and build the model, as well as the description of basic steps required to run the model is provided in Quick_Start in the ICON gitlab repository.

Tutorials and documentation

The ICON tutorial summarizes the mathematical and physical foundations as well as the most important aspects for using the ICON model. The latest version is ICON Tutorial 2024.

Further available tutorials and documentations are currently being consolidated by ICON partners and will be available soon.


ICON is available under a BSD 3-clause license. See LICENSES/ for license information and AUTHORS.TXT for a list of authors in the ICON release package on gitlab.

How to cite

To cite the code directly, please use:
ICON partnership (MPI-M; DWD; DKRZ; KIT; C2SM), 2024. ICON release <release-tag>. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ. DOI: <doi.org url>

List of ICON releases

date release-tag DOI
2024-10 2024.10 https://doi.org/10.35089/WDCC/IconRelease2024.10
2024-07 2024.07 https://doi.org/10.35089/WDCC/IconRelease2024.07
2024-01 2024.01 https://doi.org/10.35089/WDCC/IconRelease01