The current release of ICON has been tested along the main configurations needed by the ICON partnership:
global and regional Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) configurations; for further information visit the ICON Tutorial.
high-resolution climate simulations: coupled Earth System Model (ocean, land, atmosphere) used for process studies
global and regional aerosol and chemistry experiments: operational forecast set-up for dust and pollen as well as the experiments gas phase chemistry and aerosol dynamics; for further information visit the ICON-ART website
Further configurations are under development.
ICON is a highly portable software which is regularly tested on an ever-growing number of HPC systems (not all configurations are equally supported on all systems). Systems on which ICON is currently running are
levante@DKRZ: AMD x86 CPU and Nvidia A100 GPU
PizDaint@CSCS: Intel x86 CPU and Nvidia P100 GPU
juwels@JSC: AMD x86 CPU and Nvidia A100 GPU
nec@DWD: NEC Aurora vector engine
lumi@CSC: AMD x86 CPU and AMD MI250X GPU
horeka@KIT: Intel x86 CPU and Nvidia A100 GPU
Both lists are not exhaustive and reflect the state of the art at the time of the release of the first open source version of ICON. ICON is being used in many projects and on many other computer systems, so a broader use than described here is possible. We plan to extend the tested configurations and HPC architectures for all new releases on a regular basis, and are happy to work with collaborative communities.